Testcase Creation

The DO’s and DON’T’s of creating properly documented testcases


Install pytest and coverage

pip install -U pytest
pip install coverage

Next, discover tests in Vs code in the Testing tab on the left. You also have to create the coverage file

python -m coverage run -m unittest discover -s tests
python -m coverage report
python -m coverage html

Check the results in htmlcov/

File structure

Use one main .ipynb file, located at docs/source/testcases/ for you specific testcase.

Resource location

To reference images in the notebook, they should be placed in /docs/pics/. They can than easily be referenced using !["alt text"](../../pics/"imagename") "alt text"


You can layout images using:

<img src="/imagepath" width = "49%">

by altring the width, you can put multiple images side by side


Latex based dollar math is supported like this:

$$ progress= 1 \text{  if  } PoC \geq 0.3 \\ 
0 \text{  else  } $$
\[\begin{split} progress= 1 \text{ if } PoC \geq 0.3 \\ 0 \text{ else }\end{split}\]

Notebook excecution

By default, to prevent building errors, the notebooks are not executed during documentation building. Therefor, you should save the output in seperate markdown blocks.


The noteboook should be structured as if you are starting from scratch and going over the full process, explaining the thinking behind each function and illustrate properly with images if possible.